






Mc'Cready's Saloon

Mcready's Saloon was one of my original ideas for a building. I really wanted to see if this 'Lid off' thing could work with a two storey building. It was heavily influenced by the saloon in Maverick, I particularly liked the split level effect.


This picture gives more detail of the balcony and stairs. The saloon has four doors two of which are on this side, one on each floor, the ground floor door is at the bottom of the stairs and leads into a backroom.


Two pictures showing interior detail, the first only the ground floor, showing the bar on the left, the back room and the main stairs permanently fixed on the right.The second picture shows the first floor also in place, with the five rooms on the balcony and plenty of room for diving.  I decided early on that this building's first floor would not extend over the ground floor, as this would prevent ease of play and in many cases the roof is the only part that needs to be removed, allowing for those cinematic actions of characters diving/falling off balconies.

Scenery Gallery

If you have any comments, suggestions or just want to tell us what decent chaps we are please email us

email:  blazeofglory@SOTG