







Rules for B.O.G

By Tim Eagling


* Introduction

* Activation & Movement  

* How to shoot someone  

* How to punch someone    

* How to do other stuff     

* How to stay cool

* How to act like a hero

* How to do things others can’t


BLAZE OF GLORY is a miniature based, Wild West Skirmish war game. It is intended to be a fast and enjoyable game, with quick learn rules, so that both experienced wargamers and novices may get to grips with it as soon as possible. It is a quasi-historical game, aiming to capture the atmosphere of the movies and popular imagery, rather than give an accurate simulation of Wild West life (Which let's face it, must have been pretty grim) However there is room for historical research, many of the games we have played are based on real events that occurred in a number of places in Colorado during the 1860/70s. There is something here for all gamers, so go on don your spurs, load your six shooter, give a rousing 'Yippee Ky-ay!' and give it a go.

As you read through these rules you will notice that one aspect of Wild West life is missing, HORSES. In many films horses get characters from place to place. They go into town on them and out of town on them. This is a town based game and we assume horses are conveniently left just off the edge of the table. For fans of our equine friends we will be writing a supplement B.O.G WAGON TRAIN to cover  rules for horses, wagons, stage coaches and horse based actions and characters including Injuns.

Like all systems Blaze of Glory uses a number of terms to describe characteristics and features. In most cases they have been chosen to fit in with movie feel of the game.


GOODY – Obvious I hope (1 side of a combat, also covers citizens)

BADDY – Also fairly obvious ( the other side, usually the smaller force)

SHOOT – A measure of a character’s ability to use firearms

FISTICUFFS  - A measure of character’s ability to fight in hand to hand combat.

REFLEXES – A measure of character’s ability to react and perform certain tasks.

NERVE -- A measure of character’s ability to stay cool in different circumstances.

HERO -- A measure of character’s heroic nature (whether he is the star or a bit part)

TEST – A roll of a six-sided dice compared to a characteristic value. 1 always passes, 6 always fails.


Unlike many wargames  Blaze of Glory does not have a turn system, where players alternate. It has a random turn system based on a set of cards. Each figure is allocated a number of cards relative to its level:


Character Level Number of cards
1 or 2 2
3 3
4 4
(The more heroic a figure the more cards)

We use cards featuring a photo of the figure, however we started with playing cards and just allocated specific cards to each figure.


The cards are shuffled and placed to one side.

The top card is turned and the player controlling the figure indicated takes his turn. The figure indicated by the turned card is referred to as being Active.

This has done away with a player being able to make calculations as to what might happen in a certain number of turns. It leads to a fluid, sometimes nail-biting game.

A turn consists of moving then carrying out an action.


Unless stated otherwise all figures move 4 inches. This is a normal move and will not normally affect any actions taken. A figure may move over obstacles up to 1 inch in height or width with no penalty. Obstacles over 1 inch high would require a climb test, see below.


After a figure has been moved the player may decide if he wishes to attempt to move the figure further, by making a run roll. In most cases the player rolls a d6 and moves the figure the number of inches indicated by the roll. Note running can have an impact on other actions, eg you may shoot when running but accuracy is affected.

Remember a player may make a HERO test to make a second run roll, see the section on HERO Points.


A character may attempt to climb up or jump from different bits of scenery. To keep every thing simple and to allow for different players to make their own models we describe heights in stories. A character may  move from one level to another by making a successful R test. He may make up to three level changes in a turn, each requiring a separate R test, thus encouraging impressive cinematic acts of acrobatics. If the character fails an R test he falls. A falling figure makes an R test to avoid hurting himself. Reduce the characters R by 1 for each story fallen. A fall from the 1st floor, (That’s 2nd floor to you ex colonial types!) would be R-1, a fall from the 2nd floor, R-2 etc. A failed fell test results in a wound. Roll on the Hand to Hand combat wound table, subtracting one from the roll for each floor fallen from as above. A character is assumed to be at the higher level of the two being scaled/leapt between.

A character may attempt to leap from one roof to another by making a successful R test. The roofs may not be more than three inches apart. If the test is failed then the character falls as explained above.


The most common way for a character to attack another in BLAZE OF GLORY is with a firearm. The shooting rules are intended to recreate the atmosphere of the movies and the reality of fairly inaccurate weapons being used in pressure situations, by, in many cases inexperienced individuals.


Any figure within line of sight and the weapon’s range may be selected as a target. A player should, and will usually go for the closest enemy, but this is not always the case in the movies so it is not here either.


This bit never featured in the original rule set so I will set this straight now

Pistol 12"
Rifle 30"
Bow 24"
Shotgun Template (8")
Thrown object 6"


To hit a target a player must make a successful SHOOT roll by rolling equal to or less than his S value. As with all tests the S value can be affected by various conditions so before making a roll the player must refer to the following modifiers and apply any/all relevant ones.

Ø       +1 aiming. Character did not move

Ø       +1 target at point blank range. <3”

Ø       -1 target in partial cover. (Behind crates, low wall, water trough etc)

Ø       -2 target in full cover. (Target through window etc)

Ø       -1 target over half range

Ø       -1 shooter ran

Ø       -1 stood up this turn NB can’t use multiple shots either

Ø       -1 for each shot if taking an extra shot

Ø       -2 for each shot if taking more than one extra shot

NB all modifiers are accumulative



BLAZE OF GLORY is designed to have a minimal amount of record keeping and like the movies we do not keep track of every bullet fired. However the period of history in question did see the rise of the multiple shot weapon in the form of revolvers and breech loading/repeating rifles.

So to represent this a character may fire a pistol up to three times and a rifle twice.

The more shots fired the more inaccurate the shots are. One well aimed shot is more likely to hit its target rather than several shots snapped off in quick succession. A character may make extra shots with a pistol or rifle. A character shooting two shots from a pistol or rifle, fires at –1 to his S value for both shots, and a character shooting three shots from a pistol, is at –2 for all three shots.

A character shooting many rounds at once is most likely to run out of ammo. If a character shoots one shot a go he will not run out of ammo, we assume he takes care to reload as and when necessary. If a character shoots more than one shot in a round from the same weapon he might run out of ammo. If the player rolls any doubles whilst shooting multiple shots then his weapon runs out of ammo after the shots are fired. He must spend a turn reloading the weapon, and nothing else, before it may be fired again. If he has several weapons then he may use others in the next turn but he must reload the first weapon before it can be fired again.  

Remember the character could try to use a HERO point to load his weapon and fire in the same turn.

A character may use multiple shots to go for one target or more than one. If you wish to shoot at more than one target they must be within 6” of the first target. Roll individually for each target fired at, but don’t forget to watch for double rolls for running out of ammo.


Some figures have two pistols, shooting with two weapons simultaneously is very tricky, but certainly possible if we go by the movies. A character may shoot with two pistols by using half of his S skill for each hand.


      For example: Marshal Hank Sawyer  has a S of 6 so he can use one pistol at 6 or both pistols at 3 each. If a character has two pistols and an odd S value i.e. S5 he may use both pistols one at S3 and one at S2.

Other modifiers are added after the S value has been split. Remember a score of 1 on a d6 always hits so if you get the chance go out in a Blaze of Glory!  


Scatter guns are fired slightly differently to other weapons. They use a blast template, a conical shape approximately 8" long and 2.5" wide at the end. (Not dissimilar to the flamer template that Games Workshop produce.) Everything under the template can be shot at the same time. The only modifiers that can be applied are the ones related to running, standing up or cover. A scatter gun counts all cover as partial. A scatter gun wounds with a -1 modifier.


If any of the shots fired hit their target you must then see how badly hurt the target is. Refer to the table below:

d6 Roll Result
1 Out of Action/Lucky Shot
2 Wound
3 Wound
4 Knock Down (N test)
5  Knock Down
6+ No effect

If the figure is shot by a rifle or a shotgun reduce the result of the dice by 1, REMEMBER a 6 is always treated as a 6, regardless of any modifiers applied. If a figure is WOUNDED lay it on its front, KNOCKED DOWN on its back and if it goes OUT OF ACTION replace it with a DEAD counter.


Fistfights can take place between two or more figures, whenever they come into contact. In Blaze of Glory this is not as often as other games as firearms are so important, however the following rules should cover most instances:

Ø       Compare figures R, the highest gets to take a swing first. If the R is the same the ACTIVE figure goes first.

Ø       Make a fisticuffs roll, like any other test, ie roll equal to, or less than your F. (Remember 1 always succeeds, 6 always fails.)

Ø       If successful roll on the wound table, if the figure is not equipped with a specific close combat weapon add one to the dice roll.


d6 Roll Result
1 Out of Action (unconscious)/Lucky Shot
2 Wound
3 Knock Down (N test)
4  Knock Down
5 Headlock - R Test or no fight back
6+ No effect

If a figure is WOUNDED lay it on its front, KNOCKED DOWN on its back and if it goes OUT OF ACTION roll a d6:  1-2 he is only unconscious, lay the figure on his front and place a dead marker alongside him until he recovers  (in further turns roll a 1-2 to come round) 3-6 remove the figure and replace with a dead counter.

Ø       If the first figure fails to knock down his opponent the other figure can attempt to strike back. If a figure is knocked off his feet he cannot fight back that turn.

It is unlikely that a figure will go out of action immediately, in most cases a fist fight lasts more than one turn. If this is the case the two figures stay in combat until the next time either of their cards are turned. The next time one of the figures becomes active, the player must decide to continue the fight or not. If he wishes to pull out of the fight, he must make an R roll. If this succeeds then the figure may move away from combat and must run as well. The direction can be chosen by the active player, but it must be in the figures rear arc. He cannot try to move past the opponent. After running away from a fight a figure may do nothing further that turn. If the R roll fails the opponent gets a free unmodified roll on the Wound table, and then may make his own Fisticuffs attack. (If you haven’t worked it out, running away is a risky idea!!)


If the active figure stays in the fight the following applies:

Ø       If both figures are on their feet, the fight goes in R order or ACTIVE player goes first.

Ø       If one figure is Knocked down then he will go last, unless he has the ‘Lowblow’ skill.

Ø       A figure attacking a Knocked down figure gets +1 to his F skill whilst his opponent is on the floor. He may also modify a wound roll by -1.

Ø       If the figure on the floor survives the attack he may stand up, but will fight at –1 to his F skill for that turn.

Unless specified in the scenario (like a capturing scenario) a Goody figure would not assault a wounded figure, he may move away freely. A Baddy can assault a wounded figure to take him Out of Action, to do so he must give up his whole turn. In extreme situations a Goody may attack a wounded figure, but must give up a Hero Point, for doing such a low down deed.

In cases of multiple combats all figures fight each time any of them are activated. The figures still fight in R order. The out numbered figure may choose which enemy he wishes to strike.


Characters must make NERVE Tests under the following circumstances.


Ø       If within 12” and L/O/S/ (Line Of Sight) when a friend goes OUT OF ACTION.

Ø       If within 6” and L/O/S of someone failing N test for the above reason.

Ø       If within 6” and L/O/S of WOUNDED friend or 12” and L/O/S of a dead  friend when ACTIVATED.  (When their card is turned)


A NERVE test is carried out like all other tests. The player must roll equal to or less than the figures N value. Like other tests several things can affect the score required to pass. The following modifiers should be applied to the N value before the test is made.

Ø       -1 if the casualty is 2 or more levels higher than the tester

Ø       -1 for each figure wounded or O.O.A. after the first

Ø       +1 if the character is in cover

NB all modifiers are cumulative

A figure failing a NERVE test in these circumstances either throws down his weapons and surrenders, hides in a corner and says ‘wibble’ or runs like the cowardly cur that he is, in game terms the figure is removed from play and may not return.

REMEMBER a figure failing a NERVE test could ignore the failed result by successfully passing a HERO test

One other occasion when a NERVE test is required is on a KNOCKED DOWN result on the wound table. In this case a NERVE test must be passed before the figure will get up and continue to fight. NOTE if a figure fails a NERVE test in this circumstance he is not removed from play, he takes best advantage of any cover he is in or plays dead hoping he will be left alone long enough to regain his courage. He continues to take NERVE tests until he passes one. A figure that is KNOCKED DOWN is still subject to the other type of NERVE tests.


HERO Points are a key element of Blaze of Glory. They allow characters to perform heroic acts like their counterparts in the movies or the personalities from Western Legend.

HERO POINTS work differently to other stats. A character starts a game with a number of HERO POINTS equal to double his level. A Lvl. 1 character has two HPs, a Lvl. 2 character has 4 etc.

A character can use a HERO POINT at any stage of his turn. Only one HERO POINT may be used a turn. HERO POINTS may be used in several different circumstances.

Ø       When an opponent rolls a ‘1’ to wound a character may make a test. If he passes, the blow hit a lucky object, watch, crucifix, hipflask etc the figure is knocked over, but otherwise takes no further damage. If the test is failed the character goes OUT OF ACTION

Ø       A character may wish to make an extra action. EG make an extra run roll or take another go shooting, or reload in the same turn his gun is emptied. In all these cases a test must be passed. If it is failed the extra action does not occur.

Ø       A character may use a HERO point to ignore the affects of failed REFLEX or NERVE roll. Again a successful test must be made to enable this.

Ø       When a character is wounded he may try to recover the next time it is activated. Make a hero test if the test is passed, the figure recovers treat him as if he was wounded requiring a NERVE test to get up and fight on. If the test is failed then he remains wounded. A character may try to recover as many times as he has Hero Points left, after those attempts are used if he is still wounded he goes OUT OF ACTION. A character recovering from a wound rolls a d6 and takes the score off his various attributes, i.e if a player rolled a 4 he may choose to take 2 off his S, 1 off his R and 1 off his N. If any attribute is reduced to 0 he goes Out Of Action.

Ø       There may be other circumstances where it may be appropriate for HERO points to be used. It is up to the discretion of the GM or both players if this is to happen.


In all cases the test is passed by rolling equal to or less than the character’s current HERO value. REMEMBER a ‘1’ always passes & a ‘6’ always fails.

Regardless of whether a test is passed or failed the player must reduce the character’s HERO value by one each time a HERO test is made. This means that sooner or later your luck will run out. When a character is reduced to a HERO value of zero he may no longer make HERO tests.


 Skills are an optional way to make each character slightly different. In large games they should be avoided as they will confuse matters.


Character Lvl  Number of Skills
1 None
2 One
3 Two
4 Three

You may choose what skills to give a character, enabling you to create specialists or even better



Sharpshooter – If didn’t move, may ignore half range modifier.

Quick draw – May  make an instant countershot if shot. Straight 1 or 2 to hit with no modifiers

Dead Eye – May roll two dice to wound and choose best result. This skill may not be used with a shotgun, the scatter style of ammunition does not lend itself well to pinpoint accuracy.


Lowblow – May fight back in R order if already KNOCKED DOWN.

Pugilist – May fight more than one opponent in a fistfight.

Counter punch – May strike back even if KNOCKED DOWN before own turn to fight


DODGE & WEAVE – May make an R roll to dodge a shot at over half range Unless shot at by a SHARPSHOOTER

DUCK & DIVE – May make an opponent in a fistfight re-roll wound.

NIMBLE – May re-roll an R test if jumping


TRUE GRIT – May roll two dice for N tests & choose best result.

NERVES OF STEEL – Ignores Nerve test caused by WOUNDED friends at start of turn. Is still affected by OUT OF ACTION friends

BLOOD BROTHER – Has an emotional link to another friendly figure, must be specified before game, if that figure goes OUT OF ACTION or is WOUNDED roll on following table:

1 BLAZE OF GLORY makes an immediate full move including a run roll, towards nearest enemy all guns blazing (fires maximum shots available), ignores further nerve tests.

2,3 MARKED MAN must hunt down the killer, and kill him. Ignore further N tests until  vengeance is gained.

4,5 HOLD A GRUDGE fight on as usual, the S.O.B will get his sooner or later.

6 YELLOW DOG must run like a dog, remove the figure from play.